Edison Mama
2025.6.30Edison Mama Kids Kelp Rice Udon/Edison Mama宝宝圈圈昆布乌冬米粉 12month+ 100g
2025.6.30Edison Mama Kids Kelp Rice Udon/Edison Mama宝宝圈圈昆布乌冬米粉 12month+ 100g
- 100%纯米粉,昆布以及水为原料。
- 不添加任何化学添加剂、糖份及盐份。
- 不含28种常见致敏原。
- 让宝宝享受食材的健康天然味道!
- 与普通面条不一样的环形设计,让宝宝更有探索欲,锻炼自己的小手指的抓握能力!
- 更易使用叉勺或筷子抓取,不易滑落。
- 能比普通长形面条沾取到更多汤汁,让宝宝的饭食更有味道!
- 锅中加入300ml水,水开后转小火,煮13分钟即可。
- 碗中加入400ml水,微波炉600W功率加热15分钟即可。
The ingredients are only 100% domestic rice flour, kelp, and water, and it's allergen-free, so moms and dads can rest assured. The natural mild taste of rice is also recommended for children who suffer from picky eating.
The ring shape is visually interesting, easy to grasp, and easy to carry to the mouth, making it ideal for eating with your hands. Of course, it's also great for toddlers as it's easy to grab and eat with a fork or chopsticks.
The only ingredients are domestic rice flour, kelp, and water.
It is characterized by its smooth texture.
You can feel the natural sweetness of rice and the subtle, gentle flavor of kelp stock.
The secret to ease of eating is not just the ring shape. The slanted cross section makes it easier to catch on a fork, and even easier to grab with chopsticks.
Also, since the soup tends to get mixed up easily, it is also recommended for baby food recipes where you want to keep the flavor light.